About the Author

     Hi.  I’m Connie Wetzell. There was a time not too long ago when several things began to go wrong in my life.  It all piled up on me and I was definitely in the valley.  I had dealt with a lot of loss in a short period of time and my body began to react in very strange ways. I would have heart palpitations, shortness of breath, and my arm would go numb and my feet and hands would be tingly.  I ended up in the ER twice thinking I was having a heart attack or a stroke.  I sought out 11 specialists within an eight month period.  My eyes would freeze open.  My jaw would be paralyzed and I had dizzy spells.  I thought I was having a stroke or maybe a brain tumor or MS.  It turned out that I was having severe panic attacks.  The attacks debilitated my life.  I was unable to eat, sleep, or work.  I just stayed home all day and lived in fear.  I thought I was losing my mind.  The panics would manifest themselves in such strange physical sensations.  This caused me to go into a dark hole…depression.  I just didn’t want to live anymore.  The doctor prescribed anti depressants for me but I couldn’t take them because I suffered side effects that were worse than the panic attacks.

    So, I prayed for the Lord to heal me or take me home.  What worked for me was not in my medicine cabinet.  It was sitting in front of me on the coffee table.

    I’m talking about The Word of God.  The Word, that NEVER returns void.  The Word, that is as powerful as a double edged sword, cutting through to the joints and marrow.  I began to saturate myself in this Word day and night.

     I ate it, drank it, savored it, meditated on it, memorized it, and even slept with the Bible open pressed against my chest so the words would penetrate into my heart and soul. This is where my healing began.  I felt myself strengthening everyday as I stood on the Word of God.  I call it Medicine for the Soul.  This is no band aid.  It’s the medicine that gets to the root of the problem and heals you from the inside out.  It has no negative side effects.  It’s guaranteed to work every time.  You can’t overdose on it and it’s absolutely free.  When God gives you a promise, you can take it to the bank.  You must believe, stand on it, claim it, and make it yours.  Own it…and don’t let the enemy rob you of  what you know God gave to you.

     God gave me an assignment to record the scriptures that saved my life and add beautiful music to enhance the reading.  If you’re in a rut and can’t find help, start getting your life back again today by listening to The Healing Word

of God CD’s. Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word.

    Whatever you’re going through in your life, I want you to know that if you cling to His Word, you will find encouragement, hope, healing and restoration for your life.  That’s a promise.  “Your Word I have hidden in my heart, that I might not sin against You.  I will meditate on Your precepts and contemplate Your ways.  I will delight myself in Your statutes, I will not forget Your Word.”  Ps 119: 11, 15 & 16


-- Connie Wetzell