Live, Laugh, Love Again

ABOUT “The YOU Plan”  A Christian Woman’s Guide to a Happy Healthy Life After Divorce

YOU NEVER THOUGHT DIVORCE WOULD HAPPEN TO YOU.  But it did.  You may feel traumatized, relieved, hopeful, afraid, or all of the above.  And you’re probably wondering what comes next.  What choices will help you heal? How can you minimize the trauma for your kids?  When is too soon to date…and what about sex?  How can you learn from your mistakes instead of repeating them?  And where is God in all of this?


Michelle Borquez and Connie Wetzell have been where you are.  They’re Christian women who are a little ahead of you on the journey.  Michelle was divorced for years and now is happily remarried with children still living at home.  Connie is years into the journey, with kids grown and gone and at peace with being single.  They’ve each made some good choices and their share of mistakes.  In this book they rally their collective experiences to help you navigate some the twists and turns of the post-divorce journey, avoid some pitfalls, and emerge stronger and more confident.


This is not one of those authoritative, “do as we say” tomes.  It’s a woman-to-woman, been-there-done-that, faithful, honest, and hopeful approach to such topics as acceptance, forgiveness, loneliness, online dating, sex, money, respect, finding friends, and caring for your physical, financial, and spiritual health.  This book is a great resource to help you craft the type of life you desire…one of purpose, fulfillment and joy.   Most of all, it’s a powerful reassurance that no matter what has happened or what may happen next, God has not abandoned you. He still has good plans for you.  You will live laugh and love again.  The YOU Plan can help you do it.